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Publication scheme

This scheme sets out what information we routinely place in the public domain. It follows the best practice model recommended by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for UK public bodies.

Information we publish

We are committed to working as transparently as appropriate for a law enforcement organisation and to publish extensive information about our work, performance and governance on regular basis. This means that, in many instances, you do not need to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act, as you will find information on this website.

Who we are and what we do

What we do

Who we work with

Our people

What we spend and how we spend it

Annual reports and Accounts

Director and Senior Management expenses

Government procurement card spend over £500

Government procurement spend over £25,000

Exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the SFO

Prompt payment data

What are our objectives

Strategies and Business Plans

How we make decisions

Guidance, policy and protocols

Our policies and procedures

How to report a fraud

Complaints procedure


Publication schedule

What we publish


Frequency and timing

Disclosure log

This is where we publish FOI responses.


Procurement spend over £25,000

All financial transactions of over £25,000 by the SFO.


Workforce management information

Number of staff employed at different grades at the SFO.


Director and senior management team expenses

Our senior management team expenses over the most recent quarter, detailing dates, destination and purpose.


Register of interests for the Director of the SFO and members of the Board

Financial and other interests declared by the Director and Non-Executive Directors, and details of any recusals.

Annually, usually in July.

Annual Reports and Accounts

SFO’s operational and financial performance over a UK financial year (April to March).

Annually, usually in July.

Government Procurement Card spend over £500

Government procurement card spend over £500 for the SFO.


Non-consolidated performance related pay

Non-consolidated performance related pay, which is a one-off, non-pensionable lump sum for the SFO’s annual performance over a UK financial year (April to March).


Exceptions to spending moratoria applied for by the Serious Fraud Office


All SFO spend approvals.


Prompt payment data

The percentage of invoices paid by the SFO within five and 30 days of receipt.



Disclosure Log

Our disclosure log includes all our responses to requests made under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000. These are listed under the following categories:

  • Casework
  • Expenditure
  • Procurement
  • IT
  • Human Resources and Staff
  • Miscellaneous

This published log dates from January 2023 and can be found here. We publish valid requests for information and internal reviews only where they overturn our original decision.

Exempt information

Some information we hold is exempt from disclosure, meaning we do not publish this information or provide it under the Freedom of Information Act. Generally, this is information that would risk compromising our investigations and prosecutions.

If you can’t find what you are looking for

If the information you need has not already been published on our website, in our disclosure log or through our publication scheme then you can make an FOI request. Please find our contact details here.