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SFO opens investigation into Pinnacle Angelgate, North Point Pall Mall and New Chinatown

17 Ionawr, 2019 | Eitemau newyddion

The SFO has opened an investigation into a suspected fraud concerning three property developments:

  1. Angelgate, Dantzic Street, Manchester – the development company being Pinnacle (Angelgate) Ltd;
  2. North Point Pall Mall, 70-90 Pall Mall, Liverpool – the development company being North Point (Pall Mall) Ltd; and
  3. New Chinatown, Great George Street, Liverpool – the development company being China Town Development Company Ltd.

In conjunction with Merseyside Police, as part of a joint investigation with North-West Regional Organised Crime Unit, search warrants were executed at a number of addresses across the UK today.

The SFO cannot comment any further at this stage, and any significant updates will be posted on the SFO website.

The SFO encourages members of the public who have invested in any of the three property developments named above to complete a questionnaire that can be found here.

Members of the public who wish to report information concerning other property development schemes should contact Action Fraud.
